Ben Hermann is Open Science Chair for ICSE'22

As a principle, research should be publicly and freely accessible by anyone, permanently.
The reality, however, is more complicated than this principle. To proliferate and promote open science and to solve complex real-world issues with the aforementioned principle, ICSE nominates an open-science chair since 2021. For the 2022 edition Prof. Hermann was recruited.
The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), is the premier software engineering conference. Since 1975, it is a well-recognized annual forum where research, practice, and education in the field of software engineering meet and discuss. With an h5-index of 77 it is the #1 publication venue in the field of software systems accoding to Google Scholar. Prof. Hermann previously served for ICSE as Registration Chair in 2020 - the edition that was rescheduled as a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.