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Fakultät für Informatik

Web Technologies 1

Module: INF-BSc-307
LSF: tba
Credits: 4 (lecture 2 / exercises and labs 2)
Hours: 3 (lecture 2 sws / exercises 1 sws)
Location: digital only (Zoom and Moodle)
Start: tba
Moodle: tba

This course will be given in German.


The Internet has become the foundation of our everyday life. Expectations that applications run in the browser are the default. Video streaming, social media, gaming, or simply contact tracing during a pandemic - all of this is not possible without the Internet and their synonymously used web technologies. 

In this lecture you will learn the basics of these technologies. Starting from the networking basics and the necessary software (web server, browser, ...) we get to know the languages of the web (HTML, JavaScript, ...). We will learn about frameworks for Single-Page Applications and will create backends for data supply. Topics such as web security, authentication, deployment and testing concluse the course. 


  • The lectures are streamed live on YouTube every week. You will find the appropriate link in the corresponding sections in Moodle. The DVR function is activated here, so that you can also watch or pause the stream time-delayed. After the live stream, the respective link points to the recording. You can watch both the live stream and the recordings on any compatible device. 

  • Additionally, the recordings made will also be posted to Moodle, so you don't have to use YouTube should you wish to avoid that platform. The videos are identical in content. However, any pauses that may have occurred have been shortened. 

  • The livestream is interactive. So you can ask questions at any time. However, we do not use the YouTube chat function for this, but tweedback. The appropriate link can be found in Moodle.


  • There will be accompanying exercises to the lecture content.
  • These exercises will not be corrected by us.
  • 14 days after the exercises are issued, we will provide a suggested solution that you can use for self-correction.
  • However, we strongly recommend doing these exercises as they prepare you for the exam.
  • It will also give you a feel for the nature of the question.
  • You can find the exercises in Moodle for the appropriate topic in each case.


  • A weekly office hour will be offered in Zoom. The link for this office hour will soon be found at the top of Moodle.
  • This office hour is explicitly designed as a group office hour. That means it should be about content of the event.
  • I explicitly ask you to ask questions about the exercises. I ask you to have your camera activated in zoom. This will help to make the spatial distance seem at least a little smaller. 
  • In the forum Questions and Answers in Moodle you can ask a question about the course at any time. You can also answer questions from other students there at any time. I will follow the discussions and add to them if necessary and answer questions that are still unanswered. I ask you to make use of this opportunity and help each other here in working out the material. It is scientifically proven that nothing helps to learn (or consolidate) a thing more than explaining it to other people. 
  • If you have a personal concern (e.g. regarding registration formalities), please write to me and ask for a personal appointment. 

