Paper on Software Supply Chain stability will be published at ICSE 2023
In UPCY: Safely Updating Outdated Dependencies we improve automated dependency upgrades for software systems by computing update suggestions with minimal incompatibilities. Better automation for software component dependency upgrade is essential for its adoption in software engineering and will help to make software component supply chains more reliable and secure. With UpCy we can suggest update configurations that have zero incompatibilities in 99% of cases in our extensive evaluation. In cases with incompatibilities UpCy generates update configurations with fewer incompatibilities than state-of-the-art tools. We achieve this by treating dependency upgrades as a graph-theoretic problem and apply the min-(s,t)-cut algorithm on a complete dependency graph for Maven Central supported by a graph database.
The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), is the premier software engineering conference. Since 1975, it is a well-recognized annual forum where research, practice, and education in the field of software engineering meet and discuss. With an h5-index of 76 it is the #1 publication venue in the field of software systems accoding to Google Scholar.
UpCy: Safely Updating Outdated Dependencies
Andreas Dann, Ben Hermann, and Eric Bodden
In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)