Two Papers Accepted at the ICSE Journal-First Track

The papers Identifying Challenges for OSS Vulnerability Scanners - A Study & Test Suite and TaintBench: Automatic Real-World Malware Benchmarking of Android Taint Analyses were selected by the program committee to appear at ICSE 2022 in the Journal-First track. We will present our results to a wide audience at the conference - usually around 2,000 researchers convene and discuss latest scientific results.
The Journal-First track is intended to give authors of papers at three top-tier journals (IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE), ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM), and Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)) the chance to give a presentation at ICSE. This allows authors to interact directly with the community and stimulates productive discussion on the results.
The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), is the premier software engineering conference. Since 1975, it is a well-recognized annual forum where research, practice, and education in the field of software engineering meet and discuss. With an h5-index of 77 it is the #1 publication venue in the field of software systems accoding to Google Scholar. Prof. Hermann currently serves as Open Science chair for the conference and previously served for ICSE as Registration Chair in 2020 - the edition that was rescheduled as a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Identifying Challenges for OSS Vulnerability Scanners - A Study & Test Suite
Andreas Dann, Henrik Plate, Ben Hermann, Serena Elisa Ponta, and Eric Bodden
In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
TaintBench: Automatic Real-World Malware Benchmarking of Android Taint Analyses
Linghui Luo, Felix Pauck, Goran Piskachev, Manuel Benz, Ivan Pashchenko, Martin Mory, Eric Bodden, Ben Hermann, and Fabio Massacci
In Empirical Software Engineering, Springer Heidelberg